You're The Only One

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Buah Hati Baru

"Buah Hati" baru????? whooaaa... agak spekulasi title post saya kali... New Boyfie??? New crush??? saya ada orang baru??? NO laaaa... jangan salah faham kay.. maksud buah hati baru tu, actually.... my sis baru seja bersalin td petang, 29 May 2012, at 5.35 p.m... smart kan jam dia??? :D 

Unfortunately, saya tida dapat balik hari ni sebab mgu kokum baru seja abis td.. && saya rasa rugi tida dapat kiss2 & dukung2 tu baby boy... saya belum tau lagi nama dia apa... tp yang penting dia cute.. mcm auntie dia ni juga.. :))) *perasan kan?

Well, i just wanna congratulate my beloved Kak Long and hubby dia sebab dapat suda 2nd prince.. hasil usaha dan kerja keras yang bagus.. :p next year tmbah lagi aa.. supaya keluarga kita tambah besar & meriah... kalau ada kenduri senang buat kerja... bukan saya seja yang cuci piring.. LOL! & saya rasa anak buah saya Atif Nurqhan sangat beruntung sebab dia belum cukup umur 1 tahun suda dapat adik & i wanna wish him Happy Birthday Atif!!! :) his birthday on 30 May 2011.. which is today la kan?... naaaaa... semoga keluarga kami sentiasa sihat dan makin meriah... saya sayang baa kamu semua... :)) 

gambar buah hati saya yang baru... he's too cute!!! maigaddddd

si hensem yang ada adik baru time umur dia 1tahun.. i heart u.. :) 

saya harap nanti anak-anak saya pun comel-comel macam dorang-dorang ni... :p & saya rasa hairan kenapa boleh ada manusia yang boleh buang-buang baby-baby comel tu... kalau kamu tida mau, jangan la buang... even binatang pun sayang anak dorang woooo... bikin malu jadi manusia seja la kalau kamu tida mau anak kamu.. pandai buat, pandai la jaga baaa.. ishhh... tingu, saya memanas suda *offside story.

So, saya tida sabar sebenarnya mau balik rumah sebab mau jumpa baby-baby ni.. sure, rumah tambah meriah. and again, saya akan jadi babysitter... cuci lampin, buat susu, tukang ayun dan segele-gelenyeee.. tapi tida apa.. sebab dorang comel... :)))) so, towards people outside there, tolong hargai apa yang Tuhan bagi.. :) don't simply buat benda tanpa berfikir kay? Kalau suda buat dosa, jangan la kita tambah dosa lagi... maigaddd... baby are so cute... :) stay cool people. :) 

GoodBye Green, Welcome BLUE :)

so, today was a really meaningful day.. especially to us... after been through this 'killer semester' now, it's almost the end... :) and it's not late to wish all my dear fellow friends CONGRATULATIONS guyssss... yeay! we did it! kita berjaya harungi sem yang paling tough antara semua sem... 

moto kelas yang kita pegang sampai akhir Tahun III sem II nanti... and we did it for our first try... *big clap for ourselves.. :) 

heartbeat semua orang termasuk saya sangat-sangat tidak stabil bila menunggu keputusan peperiksaan semester akhir kena umum, and when the time kena bagitau JP ambilan Julai 2011 LULUS 100%, we all crying.. a meaningful tears, a joyful tears.. akhirnya semua usaha kami tidak sia-sia, well, pretty cool la kan? sepa tidak bangga, bila 116 student pass a killer semester... :') saya sangat gembira bila tau lulus cause when i'm in sem I i did failed in one code subject.. *sigh* teruk kan saya? apa tidak, main-main seja and enjoy berabis. sampai study lupa. :p so kali ni saya mau tebus balik la kunun.. and it works babes!!! 

and finally, sem depan saya dapat duduk sama-sama dengan kumpulan.. i do miss them... and i do miss AJ... rindu mau duduk dekat dia.. rindu mau duduk dkt kumpulan 2.. :'( saya rasa tida lengkap bila duduk di depan.. mau chit-chat, ngumpat-ngumpat sama-sama babes-babes saya tida dapat.. nvm, next sem i'll meet u guysss.. yeay!!! so, just now i wanna say thanks to all yang contribute secara langsung dan tidak langsung sepanjang minggu peperiksaan, kepada family, kawan-kawan, Hisyam, siapa-siapa yang ada wish Gud Luck, uncle peter sebab pembekal makanan, macik dewan makan sebab bagi makanan (saya bayar juga RM 150), mark zuckerberg sebab kasi sedia facebook untuk saya online, Celcom Broadband sebab provide internet, semua-semua laa.. thanks kay? :3

muka gembira bila kena umum result! goodbye bip hijau, welcome bip biru! senior!! Tahun 2 sem I menanti

akhirnya kita sudah lalui all joyful, shit, funny, enjoyable, crying moments together.. tidak kira la sama sepa.. and to all who've been witness kepada event-event yang berlaku sepanjang Tahun I sem I dan Tahun I sem II bersama-sama saya, i wanna say THANK YOU SO MUCH! i do have fun...

so, see u guys in SEMESTER 3.. enjoy our holiday... :) have fun and stay beautiful.. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Random 7Facts About me that you should know...

hello peeps.... 
so, i'm just jot down lil' things what you guys should know bout me... just like what i'd mention on my Title of Post.. 7?? why 7??? not 10?? or 11?? or 20??? sebab saya malas mau tulis panjang-panjang kay.. No laa... cause "7" is actually my favorite number.. :) yea... so here are the 7 Random Facts bout me.. if you guys wanna know, then just scroll down. if u don't interested just click "X" button on top of the right tab okay? do me a favor. :) 

i love Coca-Cola

i admire Taylor Lautner


#4. i love to sleep

#5. i'm obsessed with beautiful and cute stuff.

#6. i'm a fan of korean

#7. i love ice-cream

So guys, i'm just simple actually.. i'm just a rare girl in the big world. :)


So, today i'm gonna jot down about Friend.. atau Bahasa Melayu dia KAWAN.. actually saya memang ada kawan but until now i still think i only got 4 REAL BESTFRIEND... bukan sebab saya benci kawan-kawan saya sekarang... 2 people yang saya mention is my bestfriends since i'm in primary school. dari sekolah rendah sama-sama sampai form 3. kami terpisah sebab saya pindah sekolah. and then 2 more lagi saya kenal dorang time form 4. time pindah d MRSM Tawau. and they are really.. really... crazy. :D satu kepala yawww.. cuma 2 orang ni la yang selalu ada time susah and senang. they are the one who i can depends on.. i've been through all shit and jerks with them for almost 4years... and i'm so lucky to have them by my side... :)

Lala and Nisa. i love both of you.. :') i miss you guys

Orang selalu cakap kalau kita pindah di tempat baru sure ada kawan baik yang baru juga. For me, it's not! seriously... Real Bestfriend for me ialah Kawan yang saya percaya dan saya suda kenal dorang for a long period time. dan even kami terpisah suda sebab lain-lain tempat study tapi dorang tidak pernah kasi sisih saya. Everything yang dorang buat they will involve me... :') dan itu buat saya terharu. even hangout masih sama-sama. and we still contact each other very well. share sad, happy, funny moments together macam dulu-dulu. and i'm so damn miss my bestie. :'( if you guys baca ni entry, actually i really miss you guys... 

special tribute for my Bestfriend, Maslah Suhaili and Nurul Anisa, i love both of you. :") 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

HE is the ONE for me. :')

Hey there... kali ni entry saya mau cerita pasal someone who really meaningful to me. so, kalau kamu tida sanggup mau baca and rasa geli, do not read it, i didn't force u guys... 

tiba-tiba rasa mau tulis pasal dia sebab td i really touched by what he did to me. and when i think back about what stuff he did before, it makes me cry, makes me full with tears but a joyful tears.. :') saya rasa sangat... sangat... sangat... bersyukur sebab i have him by myside, as a partner, a boyfie, a best-friend and semua-semua laa.. saya happy sebab dapat jumpa dengan orang macam dia y i never think a guy like him would be exist in this world. he makes me believe there's a bunch of guys out there who still have heart and respect girl.. everyday rutin harian dia, when he wake up he will call me and wish Good Morning to me.. even it's just a simple wish but i really appreciate it. he did it almost everyday. ( kadang2 dia t'lambat bangun juga ) and every night we'll talk on phone for about 2,3 hours before go to sleep. 

Setiap kali kami bergaduh, dialah orang pertama yang akan cakap "sorry"... although it's just a simple word tp it really meaningful baa.. bukan senang mau kasi turun ego kita untuk someone kan? and when we fought, i did cried and when he heard me crying, he tries to calm me down... and he did something yang buat saya terharu, at that time he has event, a very important event melibatkan family... but he canceled it just for me.. supaya boleh jumpa saya before saya start posting d Papar... he don't have mood on that day but when he met me, he smiles... :') he smile just for me. 

How do we meet? actually, kami kenal dari facebook dan saya yang add dia dulu.. then, I ask his phone number from his cousin(one of my friend also). after almost a month having fun texting and sharing stories and suddenly, he tells me that he likes me and want us to be more than friend. and i'm like" what the hell happen on this earth? " tiba-tiba seja. But, for real, i'm very happy when he confessed to me at that time. 

and what he did just now, Today kami janji mau jumpa. cause i'll start on my holiday next week.. tapi last-last minute he had to cancel it sebab ada event penting dekat sekolah dan kaki dia cedera after main basketball kemarin... dan saya sangat kecewa.. he did anything untuk pujuk tp at last he said he want to meet me. Again dia kasi cancel something yang very important buat dia.. just for me. walaupun saya rasa bersalah sebab too selfish for him.. he would do anything just for make sure i'm happy. even sacrifice kepentingan dia sendiri... and for that, i promise to myself i will love him for my entire life. :) i feel pity for him sebab time keluar dengan dia td, dia jalan bukan mcm biasa. terpaksa heret kaki kiri cause kaki tu terseliuh and sangat teruk. Tapi untuk saya, he came and put a smile on his face like nothing happen.. 

For You, Dangshin.... 

 I will never disappointed u again and i promise i'll never let you go... I DO LOVE YOU. thanks for entering my life and thanks for willing to do anything just to make sure i'm happy. cause for you, if i'm happy, it's also your happiness.. :') i never know i would met someone who really be meaningful to me like what u did.. and for all happiness, sadness, enjoyable moments we share together, i will never forget it. u really mean to me. and you'd wish if i could be yours forever, this is my answer " I'm always yours, forever, from the first time we met, i'm already yours" :') 

paling besar saya kasi resize ni gambar.. I LOVE YOU MUHD HISYAM :) 

Pretty Awesome :: Men In Black 3

Men In Black 3... who'd watched this movie...? well, Kokum week baru start d Kolej so i don't have time to watch new movie recently... jadi baru hari ni saya dapat pegi tengok... quite awesome laa.. i give 3.5 star to the movie... Hari ni saya pegi tengok movie dengan Hisyam.. we suppose to watch Mantera tp sbb kesuntukan masa so 1 movie is enough la ba kan... :) and dapat tgk d Centrepoint seja. *sigh* i wish to watch it at Suria tp teda masa.. and.. and... after 2 weeks baru saya dapat jumpa Hisyam td.. He looks so handsome and lebih matang (cause he cuts his hair shorter than last time i saw him :) ) and he makes me fall in love lagi.. hari2 mau fall in love sama orang yang sama.. ( i know i'm sweet :p ) 

tapi yang paling best pasal movie ni ending dia.. maigadd.. i wanna cry bila tengok ending dia.. sangat touched.... well, love your Dad and have time for your family. we never knew how long we have a time to live on. Jadi, sayang la keluarga kamu aa.. kita tida tau ajal maut ni, semua di tangan Tuhan. bila-bila masa dia boleh tarik. and for my Dangshin, thanks for the day... walaupun his legs injured ( terseliuh ) but he still have time to come and see me before i enjoying my holiday for 1 month.. i'll be meet him on the next July.. :( -sad case-

tida banyak yang saya boleh cerita pasal Men In Black 3 sebab nanti tidak suprise kalau kamu2 pegi tengok. so, if you want to see the movie, pegi la tengok kay? have fun and enjoy the storyline :) 

Men In Black 3 in 3D. Enjoy the Movie. :)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Being Alone is Better Than Being With the Wrong Person

Assalamualaikum buddies... 

okay, dis time entry is about... kamu baca la tajuk di atas tu. :p well, basically, i've been through on dis situation once.. and i didn't regret for letting the person go.. cause saya tidak pernah mau kasi sakit hati kaum sejenis. i've been cheated once and i don't want other ladies out there feel the same like what i faced up a long time ago.

so, kepada girls out there.. please laa, tolong hormat relationship orang lain. jangan pernah jadi orang ketiga dalam hubungan dorang kay? saya tidak mau provoke siapa2 or kasi sakit hati sepa2 y baca entry ni.. i'm just wanna share my feeling. it's not a sin kan? 

it's been hard for me to let go someone yang kita suda sayang but actually u can do it. :) it's hurt but time will heal. :) don't worry girl.. so, it's better to being alone rather than being with the person who's not belongs to you. Well, we've been taught that steal is a sin kan? :)

my friends had told me, "kalau kita redha dengan apa ujian yang kita dapat, Allah akan bagi yang lebih baik dari apa yang kita mau".. well, it's quite true. After saya kasi lepas dia(well, just mention him Mr.A seja laa) i met someone who really precious to me. i didn't know i will be so much special for a person by the way he treats me. <3 

And.. and.. I always keep it in mind "perempuan yang jahat untuk lelaki yang jahat dan perempuan yang baik untuk lelaki yang baik"... Am I already reach that level? saya suda jadi baik ka? saya suda terlalu baik? Well, i do make myself improved towards that. not all things kita boleh buat dalam sekelip mata kan? at least kita berusaha jadi lebih baik, it's enough ody. So, people... live well, and love much.. always remember kalau dia suda pandai kasi dua, nanti dia pandai juga tu kasi tiga, empat, lima, enam, and so on. So, live your life until the fullest. stay pretty ladies. :) 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Deep inside my heart. :')

hi there... well, i'm suppose to be sleeping right now but i can't so i just wanna write down lil bit sebab sekarang feeling tengah2 jiwangsessss... :D 

well, kalau kamu geli jangan terus baca kay? saya tidak paksa... 

long time ago i broke up with my ex, tida perlu la saya mention nama dia. enough with Mr. A... reason why we broke up, well.. things seems not go easily between us.. me at Labuan and him at kk... dekat seja pun, naik feri ekspress 3 jam sampai suda kk kan? but, yea... i just get to know him in a very short in period time.. orang lain ingat saya gila kali. baru kenal satu minggu suda fall in love begitu.. but, yea.. it's my fault actually.. falling to easily towards a guy yang bermulut manis.He's well-known as a player among his friends.. dan kononnya saya tida mau percaya apa kawan2 dia cakap.. i want to prove them, they are wrong! but in the end, he proves me, they're right. and i'm so heart-broken at that time.. seriously, i never been hurt like that before. NEVER! 

itu cerita lama.. after a lil while, i manage to move on.. macam mana? haha! i never knew how did i do that. tapi kalau kamu suda kena tipu sebab ex-boyfie kamu curang, kamu mau lagi ka terima dia balik? nda kan? so, towards girls outside there... tolong jangan kasi sakit hati kaum sejenis.. tolong hormat relationship orang lain kay? jangan kasi rosak hubungan dorang, sebab kamu pun nda mau kan kalau boyfie kamu kena rampas?and for all beautiful ladies out there, kalau kamu sedang/tengah heartbroken gila babi betul.. jangan sampai kasi rosak diri sendiri.. ingat nasihat saya aaa.. "forget shit and move on" orang bilang. ramai lagi lelaki. bukan dia seja.. 

"that wrong guy you fall into, will bring you closer to the right one" 

ini phrase yang saya dapat dari someone... she's totaly right. kalau bukan sebab ex-boyfie saya, i wouldn't have a chance to met the right one. :') how we met? well, basically, we met at Facebook. and i did add him as a friend first. things seems like went through awesomely for both of us. :) 
he's the one who treat me like princess and i admit, i do love him deeply. because of him, i can smile again. because of him i do believe there's still have great men in this world. and for you :: Muhammad Hisyamuddin bin Hilmy Hamid. thanks for entering my life. ILY. <3 

dis is my precious one but i won't let u guys see his face. :) 

we've been madly in love for almost 9 months. and i really love him deeply day by day. :) saya tidak boleh upload gambar dia with showing his face. nanti ada stalker upload then mana tau ada orang mau pugai dia. haha! tida ba.. i'm just kidding. :p 

so, conclusion dia sini... we won't get the rainbow without a little rain kan? Musibah yang Allah bagi sama kita, just faced it. ada hikmah tu.. be strong and stay beautiful fellows. :) 

E-Day. i'm lovin' it. :))

hey2... hello fellows.. :)

okay, yesterday was 23rd aight? and it's the happiest day for all government workers... kenapa? kenapa?
sebab "Hari Gaji Se-Malaysia" and it's also " Allowance Day @ Elaun Day" for all kkm student.. hari ni la hari untuk menghabiskan duit.. haha! enda baaa... hari shopping orang bilang... and yeah, for girls, kalau suda dapat duit apa lagi mau buat kan.. shopping lil bit... eat this and that.. and here are some thingy i wanna share... saya beli kemarin/semalam.. :D

i bought 2 new shawl. :3

well, i'm pretty sure my sis will envy me.. :p i'm freakin' obsessed with all leopard printing.. tp tida la sampai mau beli jaket leopard print baa.. i hate animal abuse.. >.< give middle finger to illegal hunter aaa.. jangan kamu pandai2 beli barang2 begitu... 1st shawl yang di atas tu, it's called cotton shawl.. lama suda tapi jarang2 jumpa cotton shawl yang ada 2 tone warna and the color is so rare.. jarang jumpa baa.. kebetulan tahun ni warna baju kelas kami is "RED" weeeeeeeeee~ :D jadi kunun saya kasi matching la.. *tidak salah ba kan? 2nd shawl i bought yesterday yang di bawah tu, it's called leopard print tudung bawal. ramai suda orang pakai begini.. jadi saya pun mau try kunun.. i envy with my sis.. dia selalu up-to-date... i do admit kebanyakan shawl2 saya ialah barang buangan my sis.. haha! dengan kata lain, kakak saya derma baaa.. shawl2 dia sampai 4,5 beg... last2 dia bagi saya separuh shawl dia.. sbb dia boring pakai. :p sharing is caring ba kan? haha! :D 

2nd :: new skirt.. :D and it's leopard print again! 

naaaa. kan.. suda saya bilang... i'm freaking obsessed with all leopard printing.. :D well, it quite popular recently kan? tp apa2 pun... yang penting saya happy.. ada new clothes.. boleh pakai time dating sama my prince. :D lama2 kalau shopping begini boleh suda saya buka bisnes kali.. :D hahaha! 

till then, toodles guys.... thanks for reading. :) 

New Life Has Begins....

Assalamualaikum.. hey there... after a while finally i manage to enter my gmail... well, i've to make a new blog since my old blog have been hacked by i dunno la who kan.. haters always like me.. :D sandi juga oww kan.. but, nvm.. bagus juga.. sebab my entry for old blog is all about exes.. :D and i wanna tell ya, well... kalau kamu nda suka baca, nda payah la baca.. sebab nanti kamu geli.. :D

many things happen recently to me... well, 2012 already passed by 6 months... and i've move on... it's been quite long since he left me. and i have new life here... with all my new comer of bestie.. :)) kamu mau tingu gmbr2 dorang?  here some... 

we're having fun at perdana park 

dinner together... at cp?? :O 

hell yeahhh.. i love my new life here... kalau kamu mau urat dorang2 suma ni bagitau saya aaa.. nanti saya bagi phone number.. haha! just joking brooo... 

well, for peoples out there... live your life to the fullest.. jan kasi bazir2... kamu juga rugi... make some friends and enjoy the times that you guys spend with them... cheers. and stay beautiful people.. :) 

#thanks for reading sebab i have no idea for my new entry. :D